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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the target traffic to get a website from the search engine’s organic ranking. Common tasks related to search engine optimization include creating high-quality content, optimizing content around specific keywords, and creating backlinks.

Other words.

SEO is to improve the site’s ranking in the organic (non-paid) part of search results.

The main benefit of ranking specific keywords is that you can get “free” traffic to your site, month after month.

How search engines work

Now we’ve answered “What is SEO?” “It’s time to understand how search engines like Google actually work.

When you search for something in Google (or any other search engine), the algorithm works in real time, giving you what the search engine considers the “best” results.

Specifically, Google scans the index of its “hundreds of billions” of pages to find a set of search results that best fit you.

How does Google determine the “best” results?

Although Google does not disclose the internal operation of its algorithms, we know that the ranking of websites and pages is based on the following factors, based on the patent filed and Google’s statement.


If you search for “chocolate cookie recipes,” you don’t want to see a web page about truck tires.

That’s why Google first looks for pages that are closely related to your keywords.

However, Google does not simply put “the most relevant pages at the top.” This is because each search term has thousands (or even millions) of related pages.

For example, the keyword “cookie recipes” resulted in 349 million results on Google.

So, in order to get the results in order, their algorithm relies on three other elements.


Authority is like it sounds: it’s Google’s way of judging whether content is accurate and credible.

The question is: How does Google know if a page is authoritative?

They look at the number of other pages linked to the page.

(Links from other pages are referred to as “backlinks”)

In general, the more links a page has, the higher the ranking.

In fact, Google’s ability to measure authority through links is the difference between it and previous search engines such as Yahoo.


Content can be relevant and authoritative. But if it’s not useful, Google won’t want to put the content first in its search results.

In fact, Google has publicly stated that there is a difference between “higher-quality content” and “useful” content.

Google measures usefulness primarily by user experience signals.

In other words: how users interact with search results. If Google sees that people really like a search result, its ranking will be significantly improved.

My first SEO trick to get you higher ranked: create a website that people love! Search engines are designed to measure different signals across the network, so they can find people’s favorite websites. By making these signals real rather than artificial, go straight into their hands.

And now it’s time to put these things into practice, step by step SEO tutorials.

How SEO works

SEO works by optimizing your site for search engines that you want to rank, whether it’s Google, Bing, Amazon or YouTube.

Specifically, your job is to make sure that search engines use your site as the best result for a person to search.

How they determine the “best” result is based on an algorithm that takes into account factors such as authority, relevance to the query, loading speed, and so on.

For example, Google’s algorithm has more than 200 ranking factors.

In most cases, when people think of “search engine optimization”, they think of “Google SEO”. That’s why we’re focusing on how to optimize your site for Google in this guide.

Organic and paid results

The search engine results page is divided into two different parts: organic results and paid results.

Organic search results

Organic search results (sometimes referred to as “natural” results) are 100 natural results that rank based on merit.

In other words, there is no way to pay Google or other search engines to top organic search results.

Search engines rank organic search results based on hundreds of different ranking factors. But in general, organic search results are considered by Google to be the most relative, most trusted, and authoritative website or web site.

I’ll go into more detail sat later on how search engine algorithms work. But now, it’s important to remember.

When we talk about “search engine optimization,” we’re talking about putting your site at the top of organic search results.

Paid search results

Paid search results are ads that appear at or below the top of organic results.

Paid ads are completely independent of organic lists. Advertisers are “ranked” in the paid results section, and how much they are willing to pay for a single visitor for a particular search result, known as pay-per-view ads.

Why is SEO important?

In short: Search is a big source of traffic.

Nearly 60 %的網絡流量都是由Google搜索開始的。如果你把其他流行的搜索引擎(如必應、雅虎和YouTube)的流量加在一起,70.6% traffic comes from search engines.

Let’s use an example to illustrate the importance of SEO….

Suppose you run a party supplies company. According to Google Keyword Planner, 110,000 people search for “party supplies” every month.
Considering that the first google results account for about 20 of all clicks, if your site is displayed at the top, 22,000 people visit your site every month.

But let’s quantify — what’s the value of these visitors?

Advertisers of this search phrase spend an average of about $1 per click. This means that 22,000 visitors to the network traffic, a month is about 22,000 yuan.

And that’s just for that search phrase. If your website is SEO-friendly, you can rank hundreds (sometimes thousands) of different keywords.

In other industries, such as real estate or insurance, search engine traffic is much more valuable.

For example, advertisers cost more than $45 per click on the search phrase “Car Insurance Price Quote.”

Customers and keywords

Before you begin to delve into the essence of title tags and HTML, it’s important not to skip an important step.

Customer and keyword research.

Here, you have to figure out what your customers are searching for… and the exact words and phrases they use to search. That way, you can rank your customers’ daily searches for things.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Here’s how to do it.

If you already run an online business, you may have a good idea of what your target customers look like.

To be successful in SEO, you need to create content around the topics of customer search.

And unless you know who your customers are, it’s almost impossible to understand the type of content they’re searching for (more later).

Find keywords

Now that you have a personal client, it’s time to move on to the next step: keyword research.

Here, you want to delve into the exact words and phrases (search queries) that customers enter in the search box.

In general, keywords are often divided into two broad categories: keywords (product keywords) that people use to find what you’re selling.

You also have keywords (information-based keywords) that your target audience uses when they’re not specifically looking for what you’re selling.

How about an example?

Suppose you are running an e-commerce site that sells tennis shoes.

Your product keyword bucket will be such something.

  • Free shipping on tennis shoes
  • Nike Tennis Shoes
  • Flat-footed tennis shoes

Informational keywords, on the other hand, are things that interest your audience when your audience doesn’t have to search for shoes.

  • Secondary tee tutorial
  • How to put an end to inevitable mistakes
  • Correct backhand styling
  • How to play the upper spin

To succeed in SEO, you need to optimize your site pages around these two types of keywords.

This way, when your customers search for your product, you’ll appear in search engine results.

And for keywords your customers use when they’re not searching for your product or service, you’ll also appear in those keywords.

Keyword research tips

Here are a few tips to help you find keywords.

First, use Google’s automatic search feature.

You may have noticed this feature.

Every time you start typing something in Google, you get a bunch of search suggestions.

I suggest you type the keyword idea into Google and write down any suggestions that appear.

Next, use the keyword research tool.

The Keywords tool helps you calculate the number of searches for each keyword, as well as the search difficulty of the word, and ranking it on Google’s first page.

In other words, they can help you select the best keywords from your list. There are a million keyword research tools out there.

But the best all-round free keyword tool is Google’s keyword planner.

Even though Keyword Planner is designed to help people engage in Google Ads activities, it can still help you find SEO keywords.

All you have to do is enter the product keyword or information keyword.

Then you’ll get data about that keyword (e.g. search range…. and a list of related keywords.)

The search range is a pain. But it at least lets you know how many times the keyword is searched each month.

If you want more accurate search volume data, you need to run a Google Ads campaign.

You can also use third-party tools with more accurate search volume information.

Generally speaking, I’m not worried about this range. In general, I’m not worried about these ranges, which can help to find the relative search volume between different keywords.

In other words, that is.

Use the search volume range in GKP to calculate which keywords have a large search and which keywords have a small search volume.

Finally, if you are SEO novice, you should pay attention to the long tail keywords.

Why focus on long tail keywords?

Because there is less competition for long-tailed phrases.

Once you’ve mastered SEO, you can start targeting more competitive keywords. But when you’re just getting started, stick to the long tail keywords.

Friendly SEO content

It’s no secret that SEO is closely linked to content.

Generally speaking, the better the content you put out, the higher your ranking. It’s (obviously) not that simple. But this is a good rule of thumb, when you write for SEO, you can follow.

With these, here are more details on how to create SEO-friendly content.

Create content for product and service pages

The content of the product and service pages should still be of high quality. But that doesn’t mean you want your product page to read like a blog post.

In fact, the primary goal of your product page should be to turn viewers into prospects and customers. That’s why you want your product page to focus on the features and benefits your product offers.

In many ways, even if it’s not a blog post or article, it’s still high-quality content. As you can see, well-designed pages and overviews of the key features of the product.

So someone who searches for product keywords like “revenue forecasting software” gets a lot of value from this page. . . . although the main purpose of this page is to get you to sign up for a trial.

What’s the bottom line? Make the content of your product page as helpful as possible. But don’t forget that conversion rates should be your number one goal.

Create high-quality blog content

When most people say “content is king”, they’re talking about the kind of very useful content posted on a blog.

In other words: not what you see on most product and service pages).

There’s no doubt that producing great content can help improve your ranking on Google.

In fact, HubSpot found that businesses that regularly post content get 350 traffic compared to those that don’t invest so much in content marketing.

As a result of its commitment to publishing high-quality content, my site gets 175,868 search engine views per month.

If I just put up a bunch of product pages on the product page and want Google to rank, I wouldn’t have that much traffic. That’s how SEARCH engine optimization works in 2019.

Today, to be successful with search engine optimization, your site needs to deliver amazing things on a consistent basis. Nothing less can be impossible to succeed.

In fact, the latest statistics from WordPress show that 70 million blog posts come out every month.

70 million new posts
And that’s just WordPress. Millions of posts have also been posted on Media, Shopify and other platforms.

What’s the bottom line? To make your content stand out (and get ranked) in 2020, it needs to excel. Otherwise, it will be obscured by the millions of posts that are posted every day.

High-quality content examples

Now I’d like to share with you some examples of some of the quality content types that really work in 2020.

Full list

The complete list is that you’ve compiled a comprehensive set of tips, projects, tricks, recipes. . . or anything you can think of.

These are valuable because you organize projects from many different sources. So instead of having 20 tips for one post and 15 tips for your content to give people everything they need on one page.

Step-by-step guide

A detailed step-by-step guide is as old as the Internet itself. And they can still work well.

You want to be super detailed every step of the way. That way, your content will stand out from other step-by-step guides.

Content and data

BuzzSumo recently reviewed 100 million posts in its Content Trends Report.

They found it harder than ever to get people to share and link to content. Why is this happening? Because the number of content coming out since 2015 has exploded, it makes it harder to stand out.

From a more positive point of view, they found that “authoritative research and reference content continues to get links.” “。

Complete guide

The complete guide is similar to the full list we mentioned earlier.

The big difference is that in the complete guide, you don’t have to list a lot of tips or examples. Instead, you have to cover each angle of a topic.

Yes, you still want to cover actionable policies. But the main goal is to give others everything they need to know about a topic on a single page.

This is a good part for those looking for a lot of actionable tricks. But what if someone wants to know what a link building is? Or why is backlinking important to SEO?

Professional tips. Cover new, popular topics to increase your chances of coming to the fore.

Visual content

A recent industry study found that one form of visualization (infographic) is the ideal form of content to get links.

Of course, infographics are not the only way to create visual content. There are videos, flowcharts, screenshots, and more. You even have a combination of different types of visual content, such as “Instructographics”.

Page SEO/In-station SEO Basics

Page SEO is to make sure that Google can find your page so they can display it in search results. It also involves having relevant, detailed, useful content that you want to display as a search phrase.

Specifically, Google scans your page for specific words and phrases.

When it sees the same phrase over and over again, Google says, “This page must be about this keyword!” “。

That’s why it’s important to use your target keywords on your page. . . . not overuse.

(More more later)

Now, let’s show you how to optimize your site page SEO.

Install Yoast

If your website is running on WordPress, I highly recommend using the Yoast SEO plug-in.

No, Yoast is not a magic button that automatically optimizes your site.

However, Yoast makes it easy to set the title and description label sits for your page.

It also has a ton of other features to help optimize your website as a whole.

If your site runs on another platform, such as Shopify or Wix, they also bundle the SEO capabilities that Yoast has.

Use your keywords in your title tag

The first rule of SEO on the page is this.

Use your keywords in the title tab.

Why is this important?

Well, when it comes to page optimization, your title label is the most important part of the page.

Think about it this way.

Your title tag summarizes the whole content of your page. And when you use your keyword in the title tag, it tells Google that your page is about that keyword.

Optimize your meta description to get click-through rates

Your metadescription is not as important as your title tag.

In fact, Google has said that they don’t pay much attention to your description (or meta-keyword).

So why bother creating a description?

Because people use your description to tell if they click on your results.

Professional tips. Use your main keywords in the description. When someone searches for the word, Google will bold your keywords: … This helps your site become more prominent in SERP.

Use keywords in your content

Next, you’ll want to include your keywords multiple times on your page.

That way, Google will be sure that your page is really about this topic.

It’s important to note that you don’t overuse your keywords 100 times on each page. This is a black hat SEO strategy called “keyword filling” that will make your website punished.

What’s the bottom line? The number of times you include your main keywords on your page is countless. If you exceed or fall below this amount, it’s no big deal. However, if you deliberately plug keywords into your content, you actually do more harm than good.

Use synonyms and variations

Make sure you use synonyms and variations of your target keywords throughout your content.

This can help you with dozens of different keywords on a single page.

Let’s say you’ve just published an article that optimizes the keyword “digital marketing techniques.”

Well, you want to use variations of the word in your content, for example.

  • Network marketing tips
  • Tips for Blogging
  • Marketing tips for beginners

Professional tips. Find changes in your keywords on Google and Bing Suggest. Simply enter your keywords in the search bar and check out the suggestions.

See what’s right for you? Use them!

Optimize your picture

Unlike text-based articles, search engines have a hard time understanding what’s in a picture.

So they rely on the file name, alt text, and title of the picture to determine the content of the picture.

If you have a lot of pictures on your website, then picture SEO is very important. Otherwise, Google will have a hard time understanding what’s on your page.

With this, here’s how to optimize your pictures.

First, give your picture a descriptive file name.

Next, use the alt text of the picture to describe your picture.

Finally, add a caption to your picture. I don’t really care about this step. I’m just copying and pasting my alt text here.

User experience

Although the user experience is subjective (which makes major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo difficult to measure), it does indirectly affect your SEO.

After all, if your website is hard to use, people won’t share it. And without links and sharing, your site’s chances of ranking in Google are virtually zero.

Content quality

You’ve probably heard that “high-quality content” is important.

And that’s true.

But the problem is, as I said before, high-quality content is not enough.

To get your content in the rankings by 2020, your content has to be amazing.

It also needs to meet the needs of people searching for your target keywords.

I’ve covered the SEO basics on most pages in this section. However, if you feel you’ve mastered the basics and want to advance, check out the SEO tutorial on this page.

Technical SEO Introduction

Technical SEO is a very important topic. The main goal of technical SEO is to ensure that search engines can easily find and crawl all pages on your site. But in recent years, technical SEO has been extended to the website loading speed, mobile optimization and other topics.

To tell you the truth, most stationmasters don’t need to worry so much about technical SEO.

Especially if your website is running in WordPress).

But that doesn’t mean you should ignore technical SEO completely. In a wrong move, your entire site may be deindexed.

So here’s an overview of how to get your technical SEO optimization work organized (without coding skills required).

Verify your website with the Google Search console

Google Search Console is the Google Search console, a dashboard of the health and performance of your site in Google.

(Interesting fact: Bing has its own version, and this tool is called Bing Webmaster Tool).

To use GSC, you need to verify the owner of your site (Google calls the site a “domain property”).

When you do this, you can access a great tool that shows how many people see and click on your site in Google search results.

But on the surface, it’s only superficial.

GSC contains a number of useful features that allow you to submit your site map directly to Google, see how many pages are indexed, and more.

Use SEO-friendly URL structures

Most people don’t put a lot of thought into their URL.

And that leads to a URL that looks strange like this.

As it turns out, your URL is a key part of the site SEO.

When it comes to URLs, make sure.

Your URL structure is the same. That way, Google knows which category your page belongs to. For example, if you have a category OF URLs, such as site.com/coffee, make sure that any coffee-related page falls into that category: site.com/coffee/french-press. If you don’t use the category page, you can make all your URLs belong only to website.com/page-name.
Use keywords in your URL. Things that don’t need keywords. Just make sure your target keywords appear once in your URL. For example: website.com/you-keyword.
Avoid junk words. Shorter URLs tend to rank best on Google.
The problem is.

Should you go back and change your existing URL?

It’s obviously up to you. But I usually advise people to leave their URLs in place… Even if their URL is not ideal. Instead, focus on creating SEARCH engine-friendly URLs that will facilitate future publishing pages.

However, if you decide to optimize the old URL, make sure that the old page 301 is redirected to the new URL. If this new structure results in similar content on multiple pages, implement a regular URL.

Measure and optimize page speed

A slow-loading site isn’t just annoying for users. It will also hurt your SEO.

In 2018, Google announced a new “speed update.”

As its name is, this update begins to punish slow-loading pages on mobile devices.

Fortunately, Google won’t let you guess whether your site is slow or not.

In fact, they’ve just launched an updated version of the PageSpeed Insights tool.

It can not only give your page a 0-100 speed score.

. . . . but a series of things you can do to speed up.

(Note: Based on the suggestions you’ve got, you might be able to increase your website’s load speed with some WordPress plug-ins.) If not, you may need a developer to adjust the HTML for your site. )

Set up HTTPS

In search results, Google has a slight advantage in search results for websites that use HTTPS encryption.

In fact, according to Mozcast, 93.6 of the %的首頁結果中,有93.6% used httpS encryption.

Google Chrome has started to display a big warning when you visit an unsecured website.

So if your site is not secure, I recommend setting it up as soon as possible.

The only problem with migrating to httpS is that your page will suddenly have a different URL. So it’s important that your page is redirected to the same URL.

If you need help in this process, I suggest you look at this checklist.

One of the questions a lot of people ask me is, “Will switching to HTTPS improve my Google ranking?” “。

My answer is ” maybe”. “Maybe.”

I don’t think HTTPS is a super-important ranking factor. In fact, Google has called httpS a “draw.”

So, if you’re in 8th place, move to httpS, it might take you up to 7th.

For example, at the end of September 2017, we moved the entire Backlinko site to httpS.

And our organic traffic for the next month was little changed from before the switch.

Site architecture and internal links

When your site is brand new and only has 5 pages, the site architecture doesn’t matter.

But when your site grows to hundreds or even thousands of pages, how your site architecture is set up will be very different.

First, you want to create an organized structure (also known as a “hierarchy”) to organize your pages by category.

Then, you’ll use a point internal link to a high-priority page on your site.

That’s basically it. The only other thing to remember is that you want your internal links to have rich keyword anchor text.

So if you link to a page on the site about cold-brewed coffee, don’t use anchor text like “Click here.” Instead, make sure your anchor text contains a keyword such as “This Cold Brewing Guide.”

Optimised for the mobile side

Mobile optimization has changed from “very good use” to “absolutely necessary”.

That’s because Google’s algorithms are now mobile-first. This means that the mobile version of your site is the “major” version that Google sees.

So if your site loads quickly on your desktop, but slowly on the mobile side, Google will think your site is slow.

If you verified your site in Search Console, you can see if your site has any mobile availability issues.

If not, you can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

If you find that your site is not mobile-friendly, you should make this a priority.

Professional tips. Make sure your mobile search visitors don’t use Interstitial Popups. Google has said that using these types of pop-ups can negatively affect your ranking.

Track results in Google Analytics

How do you know if all the effort you put into SEO is really effective?

Believe it or not, but you can answer this question through a tool. Google Analytics.

Here’s how Google Analytics can help your SEO campaign go smoothly.

You can easily track (and visualize) how organic traffic changes over time. If you see a chart like this, you’re probably on the right track.
You can determine which pages bring the most traffic from search engines. That way, you can double-click on the valid content.
Google Analytics makes it easy to track how site visitors interact with your site. Metrics like bounce rate and page views can help you see if your content meets the needs of Google searchers.
In addition, you can even set up conversion tracking in GA. That way, you can see if the traffic generated by SEO really translates into customers and sales.

Link building basics

The goal of link building is to get other sites mentioned (and linked to) your site. This is also known as “out-of-page SEO”.

Even though backlinks have been the backbone of Google’s algorithms since that day, they are still super important.

In fact, Stone Temple Consulting has been analyzing the same set of search results since 2016.

They found that the link was still closely related to the first page of Google’s ranking.

Bottom line? Links are a very important part of search engine optimization. That won’t change anytime soon.

With this in mind, here’s a quick start guide to link building.

Link Weight

Not all links are the same.

Specifically, links from trusted, authoritative sites will bring more PageRank to your site than links from smaller, low-authority sites.

There are two main ways to measure authority. Domain name authority and page authority.

Domain name authority refers to the overall authority of the website. So even if a specific page doesn’t have a ton of links to it, Domain Authority means that the page still has some authority to throw.

Page authority refers to the authority of a particular page.

Obviously, you want to get links from the authoritative pages of high-authority websites. The only problem is that these links are very difficult to obtain.

Focus on links to relevant websites

When you start building links for your site, keep one basic principle in mind: “Get links from related sites.”

Get a link from the relevant website.

This is because links from websites that are relevant to you are more SEO value than links from other industry sites.

In addition, links from relevant websites will let Google know that your link is legitimate. After all, if most of the links to your baking site come from video game blogs, it doesn’t seem natural.

Note: Getting some links from unrelated sites is perfectly possible. But if these links make up most of your link material, you’ll have a problem). )

“Related” does not mean that this site must be completely related to your topic.

For example, I recently got a link to web design from this site.

Although “web design” and “SEO” are not exactly the same things, they are still relevant. So this link is still counted as related to the backlink.

So how do you get someone else to link to your site?

Before we dive into the tips, I need to introduce the Black Hat SEO and the White Hat SEO.

Tips for White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO

The first thing you’ll notice

In fact, as early as 2009 when I just started doing SEO, black hat SEO is SEO.

And today? These shady link-building strategies are not as useful as they used to be. In addition, they will have your site completely removed from Google’s search results.

That’s why I don’t recommend Black Cap SEO. It’s not worth taking the risk.

How do you know a specific link-building strategy is a black hat or a white hat?

Review Google’s Link Program list. It’s a regularly updated list of what Google thinks is a dark spot.
Did you pay for the link? No matter how you cut open, paying for a link directly to someone is always against Google’s guidelines.
Is this link “earned”? In other words, are someone linking to your site because they think it’s worth linking to your site? If so, you’ll be fine.
To be clear, what is black hat SEO?

Black Cap SEO isn’t just about building links, there are many other Black Hat methods. There are many other black cap methods that are not related to links (such as the doorway page).

But for the most part, when people say “black hat SEO”, they mean the black hat link building.

Having said that, let’s introduce some of the white hat link construction strategies I’ve used and recommended.

Skyscraper Technology

If you’re new to SEO and content marketing, I recommend Skyscraper Technique because it allows you to make a lot less guesses when creating content that bloggers and journalists might link to.

This is not to say that the process is simple. This is not to say that the process is easy, far from it. In fact, this approach requires a lot of hard work.

But I suggest starting here because skyscraper content is relatively simple and straightforward.

Guest posts

Guest blog as a link building strategy is very controversial.

This is because guest blogs can easily get traffic and exposure from a legitimate way to a black hat method.

However, when it’s good, guest publishing is a great way to get some early links and exposure to your site.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to keep in mind when you start a guest release.

Only publish guest articles on relevant websites. Posting a large number of guest articles on unrelated websites is a huge red flag.
Avoid using anchor text rich in keywords in your links. Instead, use a link with your brand name as anchor text (e.g. Rays Technology).
Don’t scale up. The backlinks of guest articles should account for about 5 of your total number of links. Anything that exceeds that ratio will put you in Google’s hot water.
If you want to learn how to post on your industry’s authoritative website, check out this guide.

Linked assets

“Linked assets” is an umbrella term that refers to anything that people are happy to link to.

And that goes far beyond “good content.”

That’s because there’s already too much “excellent content” out there. And posting another “10 Tips for Losing Weight” doesn’t connect to you.

Instead, I recommend creating content designed specifically for getting links.

Here are a few examples of linked assets that you can create.

  • Industry Research
  • Cracking myths
  • Visual guide or resource
  • Free tool
  • A list of tips, examples, or resources

Search intent

Search intent (sometimes referred to as “user intent”) is the main reason people perform searches. As it turns out, there are four main search intents.

Understanding search intent is an important part of SEO success in 2020 (and beyond).

For example, let’s say you want to eat some Thai food for dinner.

Well, you might search for “Thai cuisine Boston”.

Your intention is transactional. What you’re looking for is a place to eat.

But let’s say you want to make a curry chicken in some. You might search for something like “Thai Curry Chicken Recipe”.

In this case, your search intent is informational. You want to know how to make this dish information.

And the more you can match your content to your search intent, the higher your ranking in Google.

User signal

You might wonder how Google knows if a page is appropriate for a user’s intent.

How does Google know if a page is appropriate for someone’s user intent?

As it turns out, Google pays close attention to how people interact with search results.

If they notice that a searcher skips your search results to click on another result, Google will see that your content is not relevant to the search result. . . and lower your rating.

In my opinion, CTR is not as important as the so-called “Pogosticking”.

If you want to get a quick look, Pogosticking is a way for users to jump in search results to find something that will help them.

If Google notices that people tend to bounce back from your content to search results, that’s a very bad sign.

How to optimize for user signals

Your first step is to make sure that your content is consistent with the search intent of the target keyword.

If your content doesn’t meet the needs of the searcher, Google will notice.

Once you have this, here are some other things you can do to make sure Google Searches like your content.

  • Use a no-nonsense introduction. So, rather than “this topic is important, because X, Y, Z, it’s like, “I’m going to show you what you’re going to do today.” “Today I’ll show you how to do X.”
  • Use pictures and graphics. Pictures are more visually appealing than 100 text articles. And they are especially important for long-form content.
  • Add internal and external links to your page. That way, people can learn more about the topics covered by your article. . . . without having to bounce back to SERPs.
  • Increase your load speed. Slow-loaded web sites – Higher bounce rates. In fact, Pingdom found a direct relationship between page load time and bounce rate.
  • Make your content super readable. Use large fonts (I personally recommend 17px fonts). Try the bullet and number list. Use The H2 and H3 subheadings to break your content into neat parts.
  • Keep your content up-to-date and up-to-date. I’ve found that major updates to old content can lead to a “freshness boost.” In addition, users always want to read new content, and these content is 100 related.

Emerging SEO trends

Let’s end this beginner SEO tutorial with some emerging trends in the digital marketing world.

Be clear: I only recommend that you study these things after you have mastered the basics of SEO. But if you’re ready to be more advanced, this part is for you.

Pattern markers

A recent search engine ranking factor study found zero correlation between using schema tags and first page rankings.

Some interpreted the result as: “Schema doesn’t work!” “。 “Schema doesn’t work!” “。

Of course, if you think adding a Schema tag to your page will improve your organic ranking, you’ll be disappointed.

One thing to keep in mind is that using schema in the right way can improve your organic click-through rate. So even if you may not get a ranking boost, Schema can help you generate more organic traffic.

Comment stars (and other types of “rich results”) are only possible if structured data is used in your site’s HTML. So, if you want to make your site stand out from the rest of the sERPs, I suggest giving Schema a chance.


E-A-T (E-A-T), short for “expertise, authority and credibility,” has become a growing focus on Google over the past few years.

Why emphasize E-A-T?

The reason is simple. Google wants the content in the search results to be trusted.

Now in seo, there is a lot of controversy about E-A-T. But the bottom line is that for Google to give your site a high E-A-T rating, you have to make your site considered a trusted authority in your industry.

Wikipedia, for example, is probably the highest rated E-A-T of all sites on the planet. The content was written and edited by thousands of people, many of whom were experts in their fields.

When it comes to improving E-A-T, there’s really no shortcut. If your site publishes general content written by random freelance writers, E-A-T is hard to build.

However, if you release high-quality content, written by a respected expert, your E-A-T will be in good shape.

In addition, as with most things in SEO, even E-A-T can be affected by links. In fact, Google recently confirmed that PageRank is an important part of building E-A-T.

Voice Search SEO

It’s no secret that more and more people have been searching for voice in the past few years.

Google even reported that nearly half of adults use voice search every day.

And it’s growing fast.

When I talk about voice search, a lot of people ask me, “What’s the point of optimizing voice search?” Even if I’m ‘ranked’ first in Google Home, no one actually visits my site. “

And it’s a good question.

My answer?

Voice search isn’t just smart speakers, such as Amazon’s Alexa.

In fact, one in five mobile searches is voice search, according to Search Engine Land.

In other words: More and more people are going around the keyboard and using voice search instead. And it’s affecting mobile and even desktop search.

What’s the bottom line? Voice search is one of the most important trends in SEO and digital marketing. As more and more people start using voice search, publishers will have to find ways to create and optimize content specifically for voice search.

Optimize YouTube videos

YouTube recently overtook Facebook to become the world’s second most popular site.

Unlike other social media sites, such as Twitter, YouTube is also a popular search engine. This means that SEO is super important to YouTube’s ranking.

In addition, YouTube videoists are now becoming a bigger part of Google’s search results, according to Sistrix.

Of course, YouTube videos have been appearing in Google’s search results for years. But over the past 18 months or so, they’ve taken up a growing number of SERP search results. . . especially above the fold.

This means that having a presence on YouTube is an absolute requirement for SEO in 2019.


I hope you enjoy this SEO beginner guide. I want to not just answer “What is SEO” but actually, I want to give you some specific steps to get started.

As you can see, there is much to learn about SEO. But considering how much targeted traffic SEO can bring, it’s well worth the time and effort.

Therefore, I recommend starting with the most basic thing: making sure that the search engine is able to completely crawl your site. Then start creating keyword-optimized content. Finally, use the chain to get backlinks.

These three steps are the basis of SEO.

Once you feel like you’ve mastered this, start researching more advanced things, such as YouTube and Voice Search SEO.

If you have SEO needs, you can also contact us to help you optimize